Wednesday 28th July 2021 – Blue Cross & Raising Money

 Hello everyone. I hope your summers are going well and that the balmy weather isn't driving you up the bend too much! Put on loads of sun cream (if you're incredibly pale like me), drink plenty of water, and stay in the shade! And for those who have miserable weather, I'm sorry. I do too. 

Today's post is about Blue Cross and the money I'm planning to raise for them in August. 

Blue Cross is a pet charity that has been looking after animals since 1897. They look after cats, dogs, ponies, bunnies, hamsters... All kinds! Blue Cross provides veterinary services, new homes, lots of love and care, advice and education for (future) pets and their owners. Blue Cross looks after about 40,000 pets a year, and they really benefit from the money that is donated to them. 

I've been a Blue Cross sponsor for a year now, and I really enjoy it. I chose to sponsor cats. I'm always introduced to another cat once the one I currently sponsor is rehomed, I hear all about the work that Blue Cross is doing, and it makes me feel like I'm helping the world to be a little bit of a better place. 

On July 2nd, I received an email from Blue Cross letting me know about a challenge that would be taking place in August in order to raise money. From August 1st to August 31st, the participant would have to complete 3,000 squats a day. This was something that I thought I could achieve. I'm not one for running challenges, or weights. I'm more of a dancing kind of challenge person, but I thought squats would be reasonable considering I do them every now and then. I signed up to the challenge and created my first JustGiving page which you can find here. Please consider donating as I'm £90 away from my goal, and only I have donated money so far. (insert laugh-crying emoji here.)

I will keep all of those who donate/sponsor me updated with this little chart and some photos/videos. 

Again, please donate. There are lots of lovely animals counting on you. 


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