Tuesday 2nd February 2021 – Easy Ways to Save the Planet

 *There are no book spoilers.* 

If you're a fan of David Attenborough or a fan of the planet, you'll be aware that it is suffering. I'm currently making my way through Attenborough's A Life On Our Planet, and I watched his newest series A Perfect Planet on BBC1. I have to say: there's information that has been shared in both that is vitally important. So I'm sharing it with you. 

  1. There have been five mass extinctions in the history of life. We are heading for the sixth one at the most incredible pace. 
  2. As humans, we are responsible for the earth suffering. I'm not going to hide the truth, and neither does David Attenborough. We have come along with all our inventions, and we have taken over the whole planet. We are killing all the inhabitants that have lived here for many years before us. We are the only ones who can save the planet we're killing.
  3. As a human race, we will probably disappear if we don't save the planet. All the animals and plants, however, they can come back to life, as they always do. We are the ones who are losing the battle. 
  4. Now is the time to save the planet. And there are many simple ways we can do this.

As you probably know, we need to save the oceans and the forests, for they provide the biodiversity that allows this planet, and every species on this planet, to survive.

Here are easy and obvious ways to save the planet:

  1. *Recycle.* Please! It's easy! I've grown up doing it, and it's second nature to me. Recycle cardboard, plastic, bottles, tins, metal, paper, batteries. Check what can be recycled! It's simple to do, and it has an impact on the environment. We have all seen the pictures of the sea turtles with plastic around the necks. Don't be the person who provides the world with even more sick turtles.
  2. *Turn off your lights.* Again, this is something so simple. If you're not in a room, turn the light off. It saves energy and saves you money. It reduces the emission of carbon and gases that harm the environment. If you want some lights on in the house, use a timer.
  3. *Think and use renewable energy where you can.* Here's the thing about renewable energy: it never runs out. Never. So why would we use fossil fuels that are releasing greenhouse gases and killing the environment? Use solar panels, renewable energy suppliers, double glaze your windows. Don't use portable heaters! Instead, try not to change the temperature of your heating too often and have good central heating.
  4. *Save the water.* Don't let your taps/showers run for too long. And have a shower rather than a bath as it uses less water. (And have a quick shower too!) And when you boil your kettle, for that oh-so-necessary cup of tea, don't fill it up any more than you need! Fix your leaking taps. Don't tumble dry! You never need a tumble dryer. In the summer, hang your washing on a washing line, and in the cooler and wetter months, put it on an airer. It saves water and energy. Make sure you fill your dishwasher and washing machine as much as possible.
  5. *Avoid plastic packaging.* If you're shopping online, which has grown since the start of the pandemic, please find shops that will ship your orders in cardboard. It makes it easy for you to recycle. It's the same when it comes to pre-packaged or individually wrapped packages. We will find less and less in plastic in the seas and oceans, and we will save more and more of the wildlife.
  6. *Transport.* If you can walk it, walk it. Not only will this keep you in better physical shape, but it will also improve your mind, your health, and you'll feel so much better for it. Use public transport where you can. Right now, you probably feel much safer in your car, and I don't blame you. But, when we start recovering from the pandemic, use public transport. Don't use planes. You can cut back on a large amount of carbon dioxide by not using a plane. If you're buying a hybrid or electric car, good for you! But, make sure that the energy used to recharge it is renewable.
  7. *Plant a tree.* We need oxygen from the trees, and they need the carbon dioxide that we are producing. We also need the shade that they provide. Trees are essential to everyone. Animals included.

There are so many ways to save the planet, and I'm only scratching the surface here. Now *you* have to make the change and adapt. This planet is not going to stop itself from harm. It's not causing harm. We are. And we are the only species who can protect the earth from damage. And we have to do it now. It's crucial.

If you want to find more information on how to save the planet, look it up! It's easy to find! And, to start you off, this is where I got a lot of my information from: 

Please start saving the planet. 

Greenmatch. “70 Ways to Save the Earth.” GreenMatch, 2016, www.greenmatch.co.uk/70-ways-to-save-the-earth
“Trees and Your Environment.” Clean Air Gardening, 24 Aug. 2020, www.cleanairgardening.com/plantingtrees/


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