Wednesday 16th June 2021 – Foot Notes


First of all, I just want to say sorry (but also, not that sorry) for disappearing and not writing my blog for a few weeks. My life got a little bit in the way and I also ran out of steam, so I decided against writing any rubbish posts and did not write at all. 

Secondly, I am back, obviously, with another book review! YAY! Odyssey Books has been kind enough to let me read another book and review it! So, here it is: Foot Notes by Benjamin Allmon. 

All I knew about the book before reading it was that it was about the author, Benjamin Allmon, his journey of 1000 kilometres across Australia in order for Allmon to promote his debut album, and that there would be many interesting stories to read. I was not wrong. 

The first chapter was labelled 'Day 38' and was a little preview of what was to come on Allmon's adventure. It was scary to read, but I realised that I was desperate to know the outcome of the story. Every time something slightly dangerous happened to Allmon on his trek, I could reassure myself that he had to be okay because he had written and published a book after all. 

Now I admire Allmon deeply. I am not the kind of person who could ever spend 50 odd nights on beaches with no food on some days and no one for company. The fact that he made it all the way from Pottsville to Sydney is truly remarkable, and I am truly thrilled that he achieved what it was that he had set out to do. I believe that his journey really is a challenge to see who is willing to go through anything to fulfil their dreams. It's a testament to who you are as a person, and it proves how much strength and resilience you have. 

Benjamin Allmon's journey was not an easy one. He battled almost everything, from having no money (and being overdrawn in his bank account) and no food, to awful weather where he got caught in the middle of a storm and perhaps lost a little of his sanity and probably quite a bit of his dignity. But, without shelter and money, Allmon's pride and dignity were most likely to be the least important things to worry about.

Foot Notes is not just a story about one man's hike across the coast of Australia to promote an album. It's about the kind of people you meet and the experiences you have along the way. 

It was in Crescent Head, when Allmon had almost no money nor any food to his name, that 'six people saved me (him) that day'. Strangers, who were told about his mission, showed him kindness. They gave him food and money and provided him with company. It can be so easy to ignore people when we go about our day, but Allmon is proof that there are often others around us with fascinating stories to tell and who, more often than not, could do with a bit of kindness and company. It's proof that we mustn't 'judge a book by its cover'. Perhaps there is another Benjamin Allmon out there making their way across forests and beaches, desperate to just make it to their end goal. 

Foot Notes is about chasing your dreams. Allmon had been trying to make a mark in the music industry for the last twelve years before he went on his trek. This was his last hurrah, and he was ready to do something big. Just how much do you want your dreams to come true? How much of your life, time, sanity, energy are you willing to dedicate to pursuing these dreams? I'm not saying we should all go crazy and completely throw away everything we have in order to have any chance of accomplishing our dreams. I'm saying that perhaps, and I know that I'm including myself in here, we should fight for our dreams a little more. Perhaps, like Allmon found out, we are made out of much stronger stuff than we could ever imagine. 

This book is about exploring the beauty, and sometimes horrors, of nature. It's about taking chances on strangers and being kind to those that we meet. It's about pushing your limits, abilities, beliefs, and yourself beyond what you're capable of. We are all so much tougher and more capable than we give ourselves credit for. 

If you're looking to read a book to find out more about Australia, then look no further. This is it. And if you're looking for adventure with some wit and self-deprecating humour intertwined with a little bit of self-doubt, then this is the book for you. This is another book I would recommend. 

Benjamin Allmon, you are a fighter and absolutely brilliant. I hope you're happy and having lots more fun. 

You can get Foot Notes by clicking on the hyperlink in my introduction, or by clicking on the word 'here'. 
