Wednesday 17th March 2021 – A Letter to You

To you, 

The days may seem grey and endless. You may be spending a lot more time in your head than usual. You might be struggling to get out of that dark place in your head and into the light. You might be very, very tired. You may just want to rest lots and not do anything. You might be finding it hard to meet deadlines and expectations. You may feel very alone. You might feel like no one's noticing you. No one's paying any attention to how you're feeling. You may think that everyone is so busy. And happy. 

I'm noticing you. I'm here. I see you. 

I know you may be unhappy, hurt, upset, frustrated. You may be feeling lots of things. And that's okay. It's okay to feel things, even if they're not good. You must try not to hold yourself accountable for the days when you feel like everything's a little out of reach. You mustn't be hard on yourself when things don't go the way you planned. And you try not to listen to your inner critic too much. It's just there to be mean to you. 

It's okay to cry. 

I know that life is very chaotic and horrible at the moment. That we are all exhausted and just wishing that we could have fewer things to worry about. And I can't change any of that. I am wishing for better things to come along too.

But, I am here to sprinkle kindness and good thoughts in your lives. 

You are smart, strong, passionate. You care about people and lots of those people will do anything to see you smile and make you happy. They care about you too, I promise. 

You are beautiful. You are. You really, really are. I don't care what society expects us to look like. That changes every year and no one can keep up with that. But you are an incredible human. You are exquisite!

You're a gem. Or a little present that has been gifted to us. You are essential to the wonder of this world. 

You are a star. And you cannot let anyone dim the glow that comes from within you. I refuse to let that happen. 

And you must tell yourself these things when dark thoughts cloud your head. We can chase out all the gloom with good thoughts. 

I know it's not easy. I struggle with it too. But I love you. And I want to see you happy. So, I'm reminding you of it all. 

Be kind to yourself. Whisper positive things to yourself when you're alone. Rest lots. And please take it easy when you can. 

I am sending you so much love. 


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