Wednesday 10th March 2021 – Looking After Yourself

 Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing okay. 

It's been almost a whole year since the UK went into its first lockdown and this last year has been rough for many different reasons for everyone. But, I'm not here to talk about the bad things and I'm not bringing anyone down. Instead, I want to remind you of how to look after yourself and keep going. 

It might sound a bit silly, but it's essential that you are setting aside time for yourself. So, here's what I recommend: 

1) Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night. I know that the pandemic can make everyone stressed, but sleep is so important right now! It will help you to recover from the day that you've had and it will allow your brain, and your body, to reset and recharge. 

2) Talk to people. Everyone's feeling a little bit more lonely at the moment and I know that so many of us would be thrilled if someone took the time to reach out to us and have a little chat. If you talk to someone, it will also improve your mental health; share those feelings! And get some love from the people who are willing to shower you with it. 

3) Take time out for some tender loving care. Whatever it is that soothes and relaxes you, do it! Whether it's having a bath, having a nice cup of tea with some biscuits, watching a film or a TV show, reading, or all of the above, or none of the above, just give yourself time do it! Your body and brain need the downtime, they need to recover from the day. Let them. 

4) Go outside in daylight. The fresh air is good for both your mental and physical health. Get in some exercise (a walk around the block, or whatever's suitable), and let your body breathe in the air. Use your body and look after it. 

I'm not going to sit here and give you a long list of things that I think you should be doing, because that would be very hypocritical of me! But, I do recommend doing all four of these if you are feeling a bit down. It might be a bit of a challenge, but I do really believe that they will make you feel better. And it's worth a try! 

And if you ever want to talk to someone, you're more than welcome to talk to me! I'm available via my socials, which can be found under  'Social Media'. 

You are your number one priority. 


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